Harsch event at the Ariana Museum – Fang Lijun exhibition “Forbidden spaces”

posted on April

It was on Thursday the 30th of march 2017. A great moment of culture and discovery. 


On the sidelines of the Fang Lijun exhibition – Forbidden spaces – at the Ariana Museum, Henri Harsch HH SA organized an evening for its clients. The works of this Chinese artist, a major figure in contemporary art, have impressed our guests.

And this excerpt from the presentation text of the exhibition will help you understand why :

Composed of diaphanousporcelain bricks– andmore recently justedgesof bricks!- stackedwithrigorousgeometry,themodular sculptures push the material toitsabsolute limits. Firingplays a key role in the process. It causes thestrict arrangementof the bricksto distort, tearapartandsag, beforesettingthem with alife-givingorfatalblast of air. The artist is constantly seeking the critical pointbetweenperfection anddestruction; heexamines empty space, translucency, light andfragility.

The transport of the works was done by us, and in a few days we will publish a video that will show you some of the delicate packaging of these sculptures.